Welcome to our wedding website! We cannot wait for our wedding and we look forward to celebrating with all of you. This site has all of the information you will need to know about our wedding. We've added a photo page so that after the wedding you can check back to see photos from the ceremony and reception. We have also started a blog and will be blogging up until the wedding, updating you on our planning progress. We plan on blogging after the wedding to update everyone on our married life.
How We Met
Richard and Cara met at work in November of 2010. Cara's first impression of Richard was that he was a grumpy guy who wore a lot of plaid. Richard thought Cara was cute and perfect for harassing. For months, they would say hello to each other and make polite conversation in the downstairs office. Cara worked in the upstairs office and one day Richard came up to get some hot water to make tea. They chatted for quite a while and bonded over Florence and the Machine. Over the next few months, Richard came upstairs to get hot water very often. Cara later found out that Richard would fill his French press with hot water and walk downstairs to the bathroom and pour it out so he had an excuse to back upstairs to see Cara again. Cara thought Richard was cute and eagerly waited each day for him to come upstairs to get his 'hot water'. They began texting till two in the morning on a regular basis and going for lunch together. One day Richard posted on Facebook that he wanted to see a movie about photography and Cara texted him saying she would go with him if he couldn't find anyone to go with. Richard turned down a few of his friends offers just so he could go with Cara alone. So, they went to the movies and found themselves talking for hours and laughing. The rest is history.
The Proposal
Cara had been making not so subtle hints to Richard for months that she wanted a pony. A pony being a not so subtle codeword for an engagement ring. Richard played along and said the breeder was working on it. They had decided that they wanted to get married in May 2014 and Cara told Richard she would like a year to plan the wedding. May came around and still no pony. June came around and still no pony. Cara had been an apprentice at Pacific Theatre and worked alongside two other apprentices who had both gotten engaged that year and Cara's contract ended on June 30th. Cara joked that she would be the only apprentice who didn't get engaged if he didn't propose before June 30th. The weekend of the 30th Cara and Richard went up to Richard's fathers cabin in Sunshine Valley and Cara was pretty sure it was going to happen that weekend. It didn't. On the way home, Richard took the back roads and said they should stop at Cara's parents home in Langley. Cara used the bathroom and said hello to her family and thought they would be leaving. Richard sat on the grass outside her parents house and Cara joined him. They chatted for a while and joked how sitting there reminded them of when they first started dating. When they thought it was time to go, Cara went to pull Richard up and he got down on one knee, pulled out a ring and simply said “Will you marry me?”. Cara said yes right away- I mean have you seen that ring?- and began to cry. They looked at a clock and it was 11:57 pm on June 30th. And then Cara raced inside to wake up her family and tell them the news.